Would you rather?
Ali Franks Ali Franks

Would you rather?

‘I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me’

This is the first regret of the dying from Bronnie Ware’s amazing book: The Top Five Regrets of the Dying

Can you honestly say, hand on heart, that you are living the life true to yourself, or are you living the one others expect of you?

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Making Resolutions: read this first!
Ali Franks Ali Franks

Making Resolutions: read this first!

We are getting to the point in the calendar year where we start to think about the New Year. Maybe you are feeling a little lethargic, a little overindulged from the holiday season? Maybe you have big plans for January? - Dry January, Veganuary, new gym membership, a juice diet or a new slimming club subscription; maybe you are going to nail that morning routine - exercise, meditation and journalling done before breakfast - yes, that will do it!

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Entertaining the Christmas Ghosts.
Ali Franks Ali Franks

Entertaining the Christmas Ghosts.

This time of year can hold so much in expectation for so many people. There is a pressure for this time to be the ‘perfect’ day so often many of us fall short of that expectation. We spend the first part of the season preparing for the one day in the future that is loaded with pressure and expectation to be perfect.

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8 BIG insights from a LITTLE writing task!
Ali Franks Ali Franks

8 BIG insights from a LITTLE writing task!

This was a process of putting me first in my life. Hear me out, this is not some egotistical nonsense. My day started with me at the centre of it, not my thoughts and feeling about everything I had to do that day, or with the demands on my time. This felt GOOD and stayed with me throughout most days

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Autumn: Trusting the Process
Ali Franks Ali Franks

Autumn: Trusting the Process

As I get older I am noticing so much more about what the world around me can teach me about my own journey through this time. The things I am learning now about the ebb and flow of life are often playing out right outside my window. In fact, they have been hiding in plain sight all this time.

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The Train Journey
Ali Franks Ali Franks

The Train Journey

Is life whizzing past you so fast that you don't have time to stop and reflect? Do you sometimes feel like a ghost of yourself? Our life can be like a train journey where we go so fast towards our destination that we cannot see where we are right now, we can feel tired, frustrated and worn out. What if the journey was the destination and we could slow down our lives to find our purpose and joy?

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Writing to Reconnect
Ali Franks Ali Franks

Writing to Reconnect

As a young adult I used to write a journal. I loved it. I used to find a beautiful book to write in and a black ink pen. Being a complete romantic I would seek out lovely locations to write in, under particular trees that I loved, or at the beach, but mostly at home in my room. I remember once, travelling around Italy with some friends in my early twenties, to come back from a day scootering around the Chanti region to find one of my precious journals dripping wet in my tent after a torrential downpour. The ink had run on at least three pages and I was devastated – those words, gone forever! I still have a box of these journals now, on top of the wardrobe in my bedroom.

As I grew older I stopped writing.

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Ali Franks Ali Franks


What are the best conditions for growth?

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