Reconnect to Me


Are you ready to actually start living?

After years of playing it small and wishing that my life would change, that if I kept on keeping on, working hard and doing what I was told you should do in order to be successful, I woke up to the truth:

THAT IS ALL BS and there is a much better way of finding purpose and meaning right now rather than spending life exhausted, empty and future-tripping!

Want to know MORE?

I created RECONNECT TO ME so that people just like you could find their way back to feeling ENERGISED AND EXCITED by life.

Do you identify with some or all of the following?

o   Feeling unheard and unimportant

o   Lonely at times

o   Exhausted, but like you are on a hamster wheel

o   A sense of emptiness

o   Jealous of others whose lives seem pretty cool, leading to ‘comparisonitis’

o   Thinking: is this it?

o   Feeling under valued

o   Lacking in confidence

o   Wanting to feel free but struggling to let go

o   Using alcohol, food or shopping to try to fill gaps

o   Feeling guilty for feeling this way

o   Saying ‘should’ a lot

I know I have struggled with ALL of these things, so I COMPLETELY get it! All of these thoughts, feelings and behaviours are signs that we have become disconnected to ourselves.

But I want to tell you something:


that bit is important because we have been trained and conditioned to believe that things that aren’t right in our lives are ALWAYS our fault AND… usually the result of us not:

working hard enough

being good enough

being rich enough

being clever enough

being skinny enough

being strong enough

being loud enough

being too loud

being too emotional

and so the list goes on… (fill in with you own experience here!)

IN FACT we have been constantly told that we are TOO MUCH and NOT ENOUGH all at the same time!

Exhausting, isn’t it!

And it leaves you disconnected from yourself, disconnected from your purpose, and disconnected from others.

Well I have had enough of exhaustion and disconnection and generally feeling crap and I know that you have too, so I created RECONNECT TO ME as my signature 1 to 1 coaching programme for people just like you (and me!)

women with her back to camera with long dark hair looking out to sea

RECONNECT TO ME is for people who have been or are successful in many ways in life, often high achievers or perfectionists.

Does this resonate with you?

You may have tried to deal with this already, maybe you tried to speak to friends or your partner, but they did not quite ‘get’ you?  Or you have a shelf full of self-help books that seemed to offer all the answers but never really got you where you wanted to be?  Maybe you have tried some online community groups or invested in some memberships but left after a couple of months when you are not getting what was promised? Or you really tried to nail that early morning routine but were just left feeling more exhausted than before?

Trying all these different things may have actually had the opposite effect on you, because they haven’t worked you have been left feeling a bit useless and struggling to believe if anything can actually change in your life.

In fact, it has left you feeling like maybe you are making a fuss about nothing and you should be grateful and get on with it, it’s not that bad, and nobody’s life is perfect right?   

Well yes, nobody’s life is perfect, but you DO have a choice… 

You can keep doing what you are doing and keep getting what you got…


OR you can choose to do something real and accountable to actually make some changes! 

YES it is possible!  

Things DO NOT need to stay this way


RECONNECT TO ME puts you back in the centre of your life and offers a clear pathway from where you are now, to a life where you feel more purpose, more confidence, more joy and deeper connection to your authentic self.

How does this impact your life in the long run?  When we are living with purpose and confidence this ripples out to all other areas of our lives and can positively impact:

  • our relationships

  • our time

  • our careers

  • our eating habits

  • our energy levels 

  • our stress levels

In fact, all of these things are positively impacted when we have purpose, confidence and joy at the forefront in our lives.

Often we think we just need to try a little harder, right? It is interesting how many of us blame ourselves for not working hard enough or being good enough when we experience the empty dissatisfied feeling!  Well, I can assure you that the reconnection process is not about trying harder, working more or being better.  In fact it is the opposite, in RECONNECT TO ME we slow it all down, we stop, breathe and take stock and actually start to take a deeper look at ourselves, our lives, our stories and our dreams so that we can see what we want, and call out some of the bullshit that is stopping us from reaching our full potential.

A Deeper Dive into the RECONNECT TO ME process


It is a carefully designed coaching programme to take you from feeling EMPTY to EMPOWERED through six 1 to 1 sessions with an accredited coach with over 20 years of experience in using theatre and drama approaches to support the transformation and positive change in people’s lives.  (Sessions last between 60-80 minutes).


Working 1 to 1 with a coach puts the RELATIONSHIP back into the reconnection process.  We need support, creative communication and collaboration to make real change and this is maybe why you haven’t been able to get any traction on making changes before, no accountability or outside eye, no time focussed completely on you, where you will be exquisitely listened to, carefully held and bravely challenged.

RECONNECT TO ME is a holistic programme where we reconnect emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. If we are going to do this, let’s really do this!

The key components in the RECONNECT TO ME process are as follows:

However this is NOT a linear process, but more cyclical and no two journeys will be the same


This is where we start.  We take a good look at where you are right now.  Why you are here, what you do want for your life and what you do not want.  We explore where you feel stuck and what change might look like for you.


Here we take a look at what might be holding you back and remember the wisdom you already have.  You will dig out values, beliefs and drivers.  You explore the masks you are wearing and whether they are serving you or keeping you too safe and we explore the stories you are telling yourself about your life. 


This is where you let some of that shit go!  This is such a key part of the reconnection process and the moment we start to really turn that corner. We need to actively let the old stuff go to make room for the new.


This is where we start to rewrite your story. Starting with the foundations of your own beliefs and values we start to script your manifesto and your meaningful mission.  This is where you can really start to visualise your purpose.


Reclaiming your place in the world is the name of the game here.  As you start consciously living your purpose and your meaningful mission we need this space to reflect, practice, troubleshoot and build confidence!  This is our rehearsal for reality!

Ali standing by a bookcase

So who am I?

RECONNECT TO ME is led by myself, Ali Franks.  I am an educator, facilitator and coach with over 20 years of working with people to support transformation and positive change in their lives.  I am a EMCC accredited coach at Practitioner Level, a University academic and lecturer in Applied Drama (where I train and educate others to hold transformative spaces), a yoga teacher and an applied theatre practitioner.  I am a mother, a wife and a lover of the sea!

I value authenticity, courage, empathy and playfulness and I bring all of these fully into our sessions together!

My unique approach combines coaching with applied theatre techniques, mindfulness, story-making and metaphor to help women get a deeper perspective about what is going on their own lives, uncover their innate confidence and find embodied ways of implementing change. 

This allows for us to move out of just the thinking brain and engage our body’s unique wisdom and experience, giving us big ‘aha moments’ that we have not seen before.  Because this work taps into our physical bodies and our deep creativity we start to experience holistic and permanent change as opposed just widening our understanding that may come from reading, listening or more traditional talking approaches. 

RECONNECT TO ME allows you to dig out those dreams that you have been keeping buried and takes you through a process that enables you to put them into place; it gives you a toolbox of approaches and techniques to take with you and can move you from feeling EMPTY to EMPOWERED in 90 days.

By the end of the RECONNECT TO ME programme you CAN:

  • have a sense of purpose in your life

  • a set of tools that you can access forever that will help you to tune into yourself

  • feel happier on a day to day basis

  • feel excited about the work you are doing in the world

  • be on the path to loving and respecting yourself more fully

  • have more confidence in your decisions

  • be more confident to be yourself

  • have clarity

  • find it easier to make decisions

  • have more contentment and peace

RECONNECT TO ME is NOT for you if…

o   You are not committed to fully show up

o   You expect someone else to change your life for you

o   You expect your coach to do all the work

o   You are not 110% committed to personal change and growth

o   You are not willing to step out of your comfort zone

o   You are not willing to put the time in outside of coaching sessions

It’s cool if this programme is not for you right now.  It is an investment in your own life that is emotional, physical, spiritual,  mental and financial and it requires you to show up 100%.

What does the RECONNECT TO ME programme include?

  • 6 x 1 to 1 creative and transformative coaching sessions with Ali (60-90mins each)

  • Dedicated ME WORK to complete before and after each session

  • Your ME WORK journal

  • WhatsApp support with Ali in between sessions if desired (9-5pm)

The investment for RECONNECT TO ME is ONLY £777

Payment plans are available (message me for details)