Ali's head and shoulders in front of grass on sand dunes.  She is smiling and wearing a denim jacket.

Who am I and why do I love to work with people like you?

A story about me

When I was a child I wanted to be a dancer.  I went to lessons most days after school and all morning on a Saturday.  What I loved most about dancing was not going to class or learning technique however, it was when I put music on and just improvised – made it up!  In my first ballet school we used to have ‘Choreography Competitions’.  You would have to choreograph a dance, perform it and then be judged.  I loved these competitions, and won first place on a number of occasions.  But, I had a secret!   In all my solos I never choreographed anything!  I just put the music on, let it move me and danced my little heart out.  Afterwards I would be thinking ‘well that was easy, I just did what felt right’.

I stopped dancing at 17 and I think I have been searching for that feeling ever since. Over the years I have been finding my way back to that place, back home.  Searching for flow and ease and beauty in my purpose.

 I love potential.  I love possibility. I loved that moment when the music started and I didn’t know what was going to happen next, but I knew it was going to be extraordinary. I feel like that now when I work with a client or a group: so much potential, so much possibility…  Nowadays as a coach and facilitator, the stage is the space I create, the music is the energy and presence I bring, my years of working with people provides my competence and technique, and the dancing… well that is the magic that happens between us.

And now…

I currently facilitate and coach alongside my lecturer position at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David where I lead on MA Applied Theatre: Community, Education, Wellbeing. (And get to teach all things facilitation to my wonderful students!)

I am on this journey too, practising my own reconnection with myself on a daily basis.  I have my own coach and love the fact that I am now able to view my successes and mistakes in life from a growth mindset.  For an insight into my own journey check out my blog pages.

Things I love:

The sea, yoga, walking, food, reading, writing, nature, time with friends and family, laughing and dancing!


  • ICF and EMCC Accredited Diploma in Transformational Coaching with Animas Centre for Coaching

  • EMCC Accredited Coach at Practitioner level

  • EFT Practitioner Level 2 (EFTMRA): Trained with Karl Dawson one of the only 28 EFT Founding Masters Worldwide

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

  • 250 Hour Yoga Teacher Training (Aginyaana School of Yoga, registered with the IYN & Yoga Alliance Professionals)

  • Professional Development Certificate in Counselling Skills (University of Wales, Newport)

  • Youth Mental Health First Aid (Welsh Government)

  • ASIST Applied Suicide Intervention Skills (MIND Cymru)

  • .b Mindfulness in Schools Training

  • Enhanced DBS Certificate

  • BA (QTS) Hons Educational Studies with Drama (University of Warwick)

  • PG Dip Devised Theatre (Dartington College of Arts)