What my clients are saying

  • Irina Alexandra


    Ali has a special way of moving you forward with so much ease and subtleness it almost feels like magic. I worked with her during a time of high personal and professional uncertainty, so I would bring a new challenge to every session and every time I would reach clarity and a path forward (even when I felt it was impossible). I'm deeply grateful for our work together and would recommend her to anyone who wants to improve their quality of life.

  • Summie Yeung


    I chose to be coached by Ali as I felt that she has genuine interest in my situation. Ali was great at building rapport quickly, and her methodical yet personal approach to coaching has inspired me as a life coach too. Ali was always present, and I felt at ease sharing with Ali my thoughts, knowing that she would offer me time to think for myself. From the sessions with Ali I was able to find small steps that would help me achieve my longer term goals.

  • Nicola Hemsley-Cole


    I started my coaching with Ali at a massive turning point in my life & career. I was professionally & personally overwhelmed & crashing. I had singlehandedly, due to circumstance, brought my company through covid & lockdown intact: I was totally burnt out.

    I was fighting battles on all fronts professionally & barely functioning. Ali created a safe & nurturing space throughout our sessions & I checked in on me, for the first time in years.

    I cried a river, during, before & after the sessions, good wholesome tears- with an open heart as I striped what was no longer needed in my life & holding me back.

    It felt good to be vulnerable yet felt my strength as Ali led me through the journey to reconnect. We unpicked some triggers & patterns, and I ripped some plasters off.

    Mid programme, It became evident that I needed to spend more time with me, not work me or angry me but adventure me, curious me, connected me.

    Ali empowered me to rebuild my foundations, embrace my values, be my authentic self, celebrate my neurodiversity as the superpower it is, the fog lifted & I was able to see my path – Literally- I went for a long walk. I would like to point out here, that I could have gone on a beach holiday somewhere tropical. No. I walked 150 miles. In winter, carrying an 8kg backpack across the highest point of the Camino de Santiago. Bold me.

    Without Ali’s guidance & intuition I would not have set off on this journey- both physically and mentally. I am no longer just surviving but thriving.

    I cherished my time with Ali, all of it. It has been transformative both professionally & personally. I will be back.

    Work with Ali, she is frank. As Fuck.

  • Jessica Thomas


    7 months ago I felt lost on my career path and in life in general. Ali's coaching sessions have helped me to pave my own way into a new, creative and exciting future. Ali's ability to really listen and support me has empowered me to give myself time and permission to reflect and process my thoughts and emotions without feeling guilty and I now have a toolkit of ideas and resources for times when I feel overwhelmed and can recognise when I need to slow down. I now feel deeply valued and unjudged and will be forever grateful to Ali for helping me to untangle myself.

Quotes from clients accessing coaching with Ali within their organisations:

‘It has helped me to think of things in a different ways instead of being in my own head too much.’

‘I am more successful in my work than before (I am getting paid more than I was) and I am also enjoying the work I do more than ever before.’

‘The work we have done on my approach to life and work has made a huge difference to me. I needed help to sort myself out and I couldn't have done it without her.’

‘She is an experienced creative practitioner with lots of valuable experience that has helped me to remain more objective about my professional challenges. She has helped me to feel more positive about the decisions I am making and this has in turn enabled me to find additional work and to do so with a positive mindset, which means I am enjoying my work as much as possible.’

‘It has helped me by always having the sessions to refer back to when issues arise. Having these sessions is such a privilege and helped me / is helping me reach goals in my life that I wouldn't be able to work through alone.’

‘Absolutely incredible. More helpful than I could have ever imagined. Being able to talk through things and create practical toolkits for various issues, being able to try them out and reflect with Ali on what works / doesn't work. Always leaves me feeling like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.’